- Leadourchurchestogrowinworship,leadership,and mission
- Work with ordained Colleagues in this embryonic Mission Community
- Have aclearsenseoffaithandvision
- Work with our vibrant and innovative Church of England Primary Schools
- And who has:
- An obviousconfidenceintheChristianfaithandgospelandan ability to preach with clarity and conviction
- Anabilitytoidentify,inspireandharnessthegoodwill,abilities and skills of the laity
- An ability to identify and develop Lay Ministry
- A modern vicarage
- A great location to live, on the South Coast of Cumbria with good transport links for Kendal and the UK
- Supportive and enthusiastic lay and ordained colleagues
Benefice of Aldingham and Dendron and Rampside and Urswick with parishes of Pennington and Bardsea*

The four parishes (4 churches) of Low Furness are looking for someone who will:
We can offer:
This is a part-time house for duty post – 2.5 days per week including Sundays
For an informal chat please contact Archdeacon Vernon Ross: archdeacon.south@carlislediocese.org.uk / Tel: 07388 377105
For more information and an application form please visit www.carlislediocese.org.uk/vacancies
Closing date: 25th February 2025
Interview date: 20th March 2025
*Known locally as Low Furness