Diocese of Carlisle

Emergency Services


The Rev Ian Grainger (Anglican)
T: 01900 602162
E: ian.grainger66@btinternet.com

Emergency Response Team Planning Co-ordinator

The Rev Nicola Reynolds (Methodist)
E: nicola.reynolds2@talktalk.net

Christian Police Association

Alison Lee (Anglican)
T: 07849 639584
E: mrsalflee@outlook.com

Cumbria West (based at Workington) Police and Fire and Rescue

The Rev Ian Grainger (Anglican)
T: 01900 602162
E: ian.grainger66@btinternet.com

North Area (Police)

The Rev Steve Carter (Anglican)
T: 01228 387192/07704 251506 
E: stevecarter194@gmail.com

Carlisle Police

The Rev Steve Carter (Anglican)
T: 01228 387192/07704 251506 
E: stevecarter194@gmail.com

Penrith (Fire and Rescue and Police)

Majors Alan and Carole Donaldson (Salvation Army)
T: 01768 866732

Kendal (Fire and Rescue and Police)

Capt Hilary Borthwick (Salvation Army)

Barrow (Fire and Rescue and Police)


Bootle (Fire and Rescue and Police)

The Rev Angela Overton-Benge (Anglican)
T: 01229 718632

Carlisle and North (Fire and Rescue)

The Rev Richard Goodfellow (Anglican)
T: 01228 596427/07720 784722

Ulverston (Fire and Rescue)

Pastor Darren Roy (Methodist Employed)
E: darren@emmanuelcc.org.uk
T: 01229 586136