Special NHS thank you projected onto south Cumbrian church

A special message of thanks to our NHS has been projected onto a centuries-old south Cumbria church, as part of a national campaign.
Last night (Sunday 26 April), the frontage of St Mary’s Kirkby Lonsdale was bathed in blue light for an hour and the message ‘Thank You NHS Key Workers’ was projected onto its bell tower.
The projection was the idea of local audio visual and events company 1Media Ltd and had the full support of the Rev Richard Snow, Team Rector of Kirkby Lonsdale Team Ministry.
Richard said: “About a week ago I was approached about the idea of projecting onto the church. There was a feeling that this was an iconic building for the town and it should be used.
“I was delighted to be able to help in any way so that our church could help say thank you to all those wonderful NHS staff. I alerted our churchwardens and a few others and everyone was thrilled with the idea. We’ve had nothing but positive comments about what was done. It’s been wonderful to be able to be a part of this.”
On Sunday a small team from 1Media worked in the churchyard to site a high-powered projector. The specialists also had to carefully work out the maximum lighting as there was only a limited electricity supply
The current coronavirus restrictions meant that the installation could not be actively promoted prior to its going live at 8.45pm last night. However a few people did come into the churchyard to view it, whilst observing all the necessary social distancing.
The lighting installation is similar to others that audio visual companies have voluntarily completed across the country. A number were projected on buildings last night.
Les Farmer, managing director of 1Media, said: “We’re based in Kirkby Lonsdale ourselves but are part of a network of about 60 other AV firms who have been involved with doing something like this.
“We knew that St Mary’s would be the best building to project onto and are delighted with how it looked. This has simply been a small way by which we could say thank you to all those working in our NHS.
“Everyone at the church was so encouraging; when I spoke with Richard he was supportive of the idea from the word go. We’re delighted that it has had such a positive response.”
For further information please contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Communications Manager, on 07469 153658, 01768 807764 or at communications@carlislediocese.org.uk.