Diocese of Carlisle

    The Bishop of Carlisle's Easter Message 2023

    Latest News
    3 April 2023

    In a final filmed Easter message before retirement, the Bishop of Carlisle considers three fundamental questions raised by the Resurrection of Jesus.

    The Rt Rev James Newcome – who will stand down at the end of August - was filmed at his home in Keswick and in exploring the Resurrection asks three questions: Is it true? Does it work? How does it make me feel?

    Responding to the first question, Bishop James explains: “The whole Christian faith revolves around the Resurrection, which, if true, has to be the most important event in the history of this world.It changes everything.But if it isn’t true, Christianity is the biggest and most successful hoax, or scam, humanity has ever seen.”

    To the second he adds: “Through more than 20 centuries millions of people, myself among them, would testify to the way in which their lives have been transformed by getting to know the Risen Christ.”

    And finally in answer to the third question, Bishop James talks of the sense of security he feels, adding: “Secure, in these turbulent and uncertain times, in the sure knowledge that God made me; loves me; and has a purpose for my life, not only here on earth but even – especially – after I’m dead.”

    To view Bishop James’ Easter message for 2023 visit the Diocese of Carlisle’s YouTube channel.

    Notes to editors

    A full transcript of Bishop James’ Easter message for 2023 is attached below.

    I was talking recently with one of our Network Youth Leaders and mentioned how much things have changed in work with young people since I was ordained nearly 45 years ago.‘Then’, I said, ‘the big question was “Is it true?”Now, on the other hand, the question is “Does it work?”’She looked at me quizzically.‘Bishop,’ she said, ‘you’re way out of date!The question now is “How does it make me feel?”’

    Reflecting on that conversation it occurred to me that all three of those questions – out of date or not – really matter when it comes to the Resurrection of Jesus.

    Is it True?Well, if it isn’t, as St. Paul so succinctly puts it, then Christians of all people ‘are most to be pitied.’If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead on that first, glorious Easter Day, then we’re barking up entirely the wrong tree: or, as it were, putting all our Easter eggs in the wrong basket! The whole Christian faith revolves around the Resurrection, which, if true, has to be the most important event in the history of this world.It changes everything.But if it isn’t true, Christianity is the biggest and most successful hoax, or scam, humanity has ever seen.

    Does it work?Through more than 20 centuries millions of people, myself among them, would testify to the way in which their lives have been transformed by getting to know the Risen Christ.In fact, witnessing that transformation in literally dozens of individuals has been the mainstay of my ministry and a constant reminder to me of the way in which God’s Spirit is moving just as much now as in those heady days of the early church.

    How does if make me feel?That’s pretty difficult to sum up in a word: but if pushed, I guess I’d go for ‘secure’.Secure, in these turbulent and uncertain times, in the sure knowledge that God made me; loves me; and has a purpose for my life, not only here on earth but even – especially – after I’m dead.However do I know that?Quite simply because Jesus rose from death and promised that I will rise with him, and it’s with that future hope that my present life is lived.

    Is it true?Undoubtedly as far as I’m concerned.Does it work?Indisputably in my experience.How does it make me feel? Wholeheartedly in agreement with St Paul, who once wrote ‘For me, to live is Christ – do die is gain’: because that’s what life (and death) is all about.

    So may I wish you a very happy and blessed Easter, secure in the peace of the Risen Lord Jesus, which the world can never give – but which passes all human understanding.


    For further information contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Head of Communications, on 07469 153658 or at communications@carlislediocese.org.uk.