Diocese of Carlisle

Learning for Disicpleship

Jesus invites each one of us to follow him. As we begin that lifelong journey, we are challenged to grow and learn and flourish as whole life disciples and to embrace life in all its fullness.

Growing Disciples for Mission is at the heart of the work of the Ministry Development Team. We believe God is for all so we seek to provide a wide range of learning opportunities to enable each and every person to discover more of God and God’s purpose for their lives.

Our learning opportunities are shaped so that you can:

  • Explore who God is
  • Discover more of God
  • Deepen our discipleship
  • Discern our unique calling
  • Discover our gifts
  • Be equipped to serve God, in our faith communities, in the places in which we live and work, and in the wider world.

There is a wealth of resources for Mission Communities to access.

Links and Resources